How School Infrastructure Can Impact A Child’s Learning Potential

What’s the first thing that comes in your mind when you choose schools for your kids? The school fees, reputation of the school, or the location- what matters most to you in the very first place?

Well, school being the second home, it plays an important role in the full-fledged development of your child. From boosting their confidence to encourage them for socialization and team work, schools do it all. Away from home, a school becomes your child’s comfortable sanctuary where they would spend maximum time.

So, it’s always crucial to choose a school that comes with infrastructure conducive to the all-round development of your children. Before you look for the ICSE or CBSE School admission forms, check out if your chosen school has student-centric facilities.

 Here’s a look into the basic infrastructure that a school must provide to the students.

Academic Performance of School

 Keep in mind that the academic performance of a school depends on the infrastructure it provides. Gone are the days when the sole objective of the schools was to impart merely academic knowledge, while in recent times the educational institutions are taking proactive steps to formulate a comprehensive educational plan, so that the students can achieve academic excellence along with cognitive development. It’s important for the parents to check out the available details that corroborate the academic performance of the school.

Well-stocked Libraries

The concept of library has changed nowadays. It’s not limited to books anymore. Rather, the smart learning procedure involves inclusion of interesting audios and videos in the curriculum. A well stocked library with useful books and informative video facilities is one of the key features of any school. Moreover, a school library should have a mood-lifting ambiance that attracts students and encourage them to study. Keep in mind that the formative years are extremely important for your kid. Hence, the ambiance of a library should be so that generates intense curiosity in students to explore and learn more. Many school libraries also organize interactive sessions to inculcate knowledge and understanding in the students.

Science Laboratories

When we are living in the era of innovation, it’s important to nurture the urge of scientific experiments in students . With well-equipped science laboratories for various subjects like physics, chemistry, biology or home science, students get wider scope of learning. Over the past few years, science laboratories have gained loads of prominence in educational institutions. It is one of the key components in any student-centric school infrastructure.

A Multipurpose Auditorium

A spacious auditorium is among the basic infrastructure amenities of the schools. But, an auditorium equipped with latest multimedia technologies can better serve as a platform where students can showcase their extracurricular skills by performing on various occasions. Such auditoriums also become a utilitarian platform for conducting various educational programmes.

Sports Facilities

Lastly, no educational institute can actually nurture a full-fledged development unless there’s any scope of promoting games and sports. Hence, a school nowadays emphasize on a plethora of sports activities like swimming, martial arts, cricket or skating, football, basketball, and so on. Participating in games and sports also inculcate team work and social interactions among students. A school with adequate sports facilities assists in the full-fledged development of the students, thus offering them a wider learning scope. So, when you are looking for a school to enrol your children, check if there’s an availability of adequate sports facilities.

Keep in mind that school’s infrastructure plays an instrumental role in improving the performance and learning potential of the students. Hence, parents must check out the facilities of a school before enrolling their child.

5 Things Parents Must Consider While Choosing A School For Their Kids

Choosing a school for your kid is not an overnight decision. A lot of consideration comes into play before you arrive at a conclusion. Besides your budget, location, and school infrastructure, you also need to identify your child’s unique needs. This decision is crucial as the right schooling paves the path for a successful future. And ,  if  you  are  yet  to decide  that which  school is  ideal  for your  child, these  tips  might come  handy

1.  Identify Your Child’s Unique Needs

Every child is unique and has their own set of preferences. An environment that suits one might not be conducive for others to bloom and grow.  In fact, young minds have many shades and as a parent, it’s your responsibility to identify each and every hues of it.  If they are not set in proper environment, it might ruin their future. So, identify their unique needs and shortlist schools accordingly.

2. Consider Your Kid’s Behaviour

Study the behaviour of your kid before you start looking for school. Enrolling him  in one  of  the  best schools  of the city might not reap benefits in  the  long  run, if the  basics  are not  taken care  of. Understand his behaviour before enrolling him. Check if he still throws tantrums or unable to spend time with others, out of his comfort zone. Find out if he is expressive enough and communicate with the kids of his age.  Understanding these from the beginning will aid you to find the best schools.   

3. Take A Note Of School Policies & Curriculum

Though every school nowadays brag about their policies and curriculum, as a parent you should verify this claim.  Make sure that the curriculum is fit for your child to grasp. Nowadays, there are plenty of ways through which you can test the aptitude level and preferences of your kid.  Depending on that you can choose a school.

4. Quality of Teaching

While this is a crucial part to arrive at a decision, it is the toughest part too. Make sure that you know about teachers and the way they teach your child.  Rely on the word of mouth of parents who already have their child enrolled in the school. Quality of training or teaching plays an important role to nurture young minds. It’s also important to keep a track the developmental stages of the kids.  

5. Location and Transportation

Struggling to reach your kid’s school is extremely annoying. It’s stressful for your child as well.  He starts feeling tired even before he reaches school and get to start classes. So, a school in the closest vicinity is highly recommended. Avoid choosing a  school that’s  too far from  your  place, just  to  enrol your kid in a  renowned  educational  institution. Opt for a school where your kid can travel everyday with ease.

While choosing the right school, it’s imperative to decide whether it is suitable for your kid to grow and develop. Not everyone has the same learning potential. As a parent it’s your responsibility to identify it and find out the appropriate environment for your kid.